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Motorhoming Abroad

Taking a motorhome to the continent or, perhaps, even further afield is something that more and more owners are happy to do. Travelling by road is considerably easier than it used to be and you’d be surprised at the range of destinations available to the motorhome owner.

France, Spain and Germany

The obvious destinations are all accessible with a day or two’s driving by the Eurotunnel from Ashford in Kent to Calais in Northern France. The trip itself takes around twenty minutes, but factor in some check in time and do expect to queue a little. The Eurotunnel are keen to take on motorhomes but you’ll need to ensure you book the correct tickets for the height of your vehicle. From Calais, Europe is your oyster – Spain and Germany are easily drivable.

Eastern Europe

If you’re keen to look for a longer trip then much of Eastern Europe is very accessible for motorhome owners. Ferries from the North of England can take you as far as Amsterdam and from here you’re able to drive East. Campsites are not so common in Eastern Europe as they are in France or Spain but with good planning you should still be able to find somewhere nice. In any case, the cost of living in Poland or Estonia is considerably lower than in the UK so a hotel or hostel might be a low cost option if you’re really struggling!

America, Australia or Africa

It is very much possible to travel longer distances with a motorhome but you’ll find that crossings are few and far between. There are very limited services from the UK across the Atlantic but if you’re determined enough it is possible via mainland Europe. You may find that selling here and purchasing a campervan abroad is a good way of doing it, but be sure to get covered by Motor home Insurance, it’s possible to find cheap quotes online for long haul destinations.

Travelling abroad by motorhome doesn’t need to be complicated but it definitely can be if that’s what you want! Don’t expect camping cultures to be the same everywhere you go and be sure to plan at least your stay at a campsite in advance – some nations will issue big fines for illegally parked motorhomes.

Disclaimer: At the date of publication all information within this article was factually accurate. However, changes in circumstances over time may impact the accuracy of the information.

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We’re a family run business with over 30 years' experience in the provision of specialist motorhome and campervan insurance. With a wealth of awards under our belt, we pride ourselves on providing a friendly and professional service, offering you the most comprehensive cover money can buy -  starting from just £200!