
Light up your Motorhome


Unless you’re the proud owner of a six-figure RV or an extremely spacious haulier conversion, it’s can be difficult to make your motorhome feel roomy. One of the reasons for this is that motorhomes are often designed with large windows to let in as much light as possible, but on grey days that light just doesn’t come through. If this is a familiar feeling, it’s worth having a think about your options: here are a few tips to help you light up your motorhome…

Changing the Bulbs

One possibility is that the standard bulbs you have in your motorhome are low luminosity, stock bulbs that manufactures use or, occasionally, second hand dealers use as replacements. Check that the wattage on these bulbs matches what is says in the manual, and if it doesn’t, replace them, if it does then it’s worth looking for another option. Even bulbs at the same power rating have different brightness’s, so have a look online for something that matches your spec.

Using Side Lights

Just like in your lounge, it’s possible to use side lights to illuminate your cabin a little better. Never forget, though, that you’ll be driving your motorhome: you don’t want anything that is going to be too top heavy as it may well tip over and cause damage, leaving you, at worst, with broken windows and a large motorhome insurance claim. Keep lighting low but bright and, if you’re worries about things slipping, just lock them away.

Candles and Stick on Lights

Finally, get creative with your lighting. Most campers have a ready supply of citronella lights to keep the mosquitos away, so why not use a few more and generate some real brightness. Alternatively, you can buy battery operated lights which stick to whichever surface you need: these can be fantastic if you’re doing something intricate like cooking. Buy a few, keep them handy and move them to where you need them.

Don’t get left in the dark on your next trip, really think about the lighting in your motorhome and make sure you’re all stocked up before you go. It’s just a small tip, but it can make a real difference to the way your motorhome works, so experiment!

Disclaimer: At the date of publication all information within this article was factually accurate. However, changes in circumstances over time may impact the accuracy of the information.

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We’re a family run business with over 30 years' experience in the provision of specialist motorhome and campervan insurance. With a wealth of awards under our belt, we pride ourselves on providing a friendly and professional service, offering you the most comprehensive cover money can buy -  starting from just £200!