Getting a Campervan License shutterstock

Getting a Campervan License

So you’ve been reading up on the lifestyle that comes with owning a campervan for some time, you’ve spotted a few models you’re interested in and you’ve checked out how much the campervan insurance is going to set you back. Well, the next step is to get yourself a license! You can’t drive anything weighing above 3500kg legally on the UK roads without a special license so make sure you’re up to speed.

Visit this page for more information on how to get a license if you’re over 70.


The ‘Category C1’ license is the one that will be most relevant for campervan owners and allows you to drive anything weighing up to 7500kg when fully laden. You will be able to find the weight of your vehicle on a small plate on the chassis -your dealer will be able to help you out if you can’t find it. Category C1 licenses can be obtained as an upgrade from a standard driver’s license (Category B) and you should contact your DVLA test centre for more information.

Towing License

If you intend to take a trailer or any tow weight away with you, you’ll need to upgrade your license further to a ‘Category C1+E’. Certain low weights are exempt from this, but do check what is required. If you are caught towing illegally you’re likely to face severe penalties, so make sure you get the required training before you leave.

Other Drivers

It’s tempting when you’re away to share the driving, perhaps after you’ve had a glass of wine or two. However, you need to make sure that anyone else you authorise to drive your vehicle is also licensed to the proper standard. If you suffer an accident in this situation then you will face serious penalties and you’ll be unlikely to recover any damages from your campervan insurance provider.

The licensing regulations vary from country to country but the full details for what is required can be found on the DVLA website. Once you have a Category B license it doesn’t take too long to upgrade but leave a few weeks before you travel just to make sure.

Disclaimer: At the date of publication all information within this article was factually accurate. However, changes in circumstances over time may impact the accuracy of the information.

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Comfort Insurance

We’re a family run business with over 30 years' experience in the provision of specialist motorhome and campervan insurance. With a wealth of awards under our belt, we pride ourselves on providing a friendly and professional service, offering you the most comprehensive cover money can buy -  starting from just £200!