Motorhome Living

Welcome to our motorhome living blogs.

Whether you’re new to motorhome or campervan ownership, or you’re a seasoned traveller, we’ve created some useful information to help you get the most out of your vehicle. From choosing the best vehicle for your travels; to how to kit your motorhome out; to living in a motorhome in winter, there’s information and advice to inform and inspire you. Read on to find out more…

We’re a family run business with over 30 years' experience in the provision of specialist motorhome and campervan insurance. With a wealth of awards under our belt, we pride ourselves on providing a friendly and professional service, offering you the most comprehensive cover money can buy -  starting from just £220!

motorhome by the sea

Motorhome Holidays becoming Increasingly Popular

Here at Comfort Insurance we are happy to see that now summer is here there has been an influx of families planning holidays in their motorhomes. Over the years there has been a notable increase in people going on motorhome holidays as not only are they cheaper than traditional holidays which involve flights and hotels,…
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4 Ways to make Money from your Campervan

Here at Comfort Insurance we love campervans due to the fact that they are amazingly adaptable; you can transform nearly any campervan regardless of its size or condition into something truly special with just a little bit of imagination. However, if you are thinking about using a campervan that you already own or are planning…
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child lock

Travelling in a Motorhome with Small Children

You may think that motorhomes and small children, particularly babies and toddlers, don’t mix well; in fact, the thought of being trapped in a large vehicle with a small child for substantial period of time may sound like a form of torture instead of a holiday. However, this doesn’t have to be the case, as…
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Could you swap your Motorhome for a Campervan?

When it comes to going on holiday with the family there is a general consensus that the more space you have the less likely it will be for arguments to start. This is why most families choose to invest in motorhomes instead of campervans for their holidays, as most of the time they offer more…
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The Rise of the Motorhome Commuter

Not a day goes by where we don’t see a news story lamenting the rising cost of housing, especially in London where house prices have risen at an alarming rate despite the property market waning over the last few years. London is one of the most popular places in the country to live, and during…
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motorhome driving in the snow

Driving Away For Christmas

There’s no place like home. Especially at Christmas… right? Well, unless your family are from the Tesco/John Lewis/Marks and Spencer adverts then no actually. In fact, Christmas at home can often be extremely stressful, with each year families across the country secretly wishing they could go away during the festive period. The only snag with…
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