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Caravan Information

Welcome to the caravan information blog pages.

If you’re looking for information about travelling in a caravan or a motorcaravan, look no further. Whether you’re looking for inspiration on where or when to travel; information on caravan insurance; or are even looking for some information on caravan security, our blogs will help you. You’ll even find information and guidance to help you get the most from your caravan when you’re ready to start your adventure. Read on and find out more…..

We’re a family run business with over 30 years' experience in the provision of specialist motorhome and campervan insurance. With a wealth of awards under our belt, we pride ourselves on providing a friendly and professional service, offering you the most comprehensive cover money can buy -  starting from just £220!

caravans on campsites

Residents against the idea of much needed campsite

A huge increase in the number of visitors to Londonderry is expected next year when it will become the UK City of Culture. However, almost five-hundred concerned residents have signed a petition against a proposed campsite for caravans and motorhomes. The LRRG (Limavady Road Residents Group) has organised the petition of concern against the location…
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toilet roll

Campsite offers free exchange to all visitors

A caravan park director feels their efforts to operate an eco-friendly site are being hampered by families using wet wipes in place of toilet paper. The fast-growing problem at Skelwith Fold Caravan and Motorhome Park in Ambleside, has affected the way they process sewerage naturally through their specially planted reed bed. Wet wipes, unlike toilet…
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Ludlow Touring Park celebrate Caravan Club accolade

A brand new £3 million Ludlow Touring Park, which only officially opened its gates five months ago, is celebrating after being accepted as a prestigious affiliated site of The Caravan Club. Currently there are only 206 caravan parks across the United Kingdom that are either owned by or affiliated to the Caravan Club, which provides…
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static caravans

VAT on Static Caravans

  Amongst all the Jubilee celebrations, you might have noticed a news story late last week about the government’s intention to take a ‘U-Turn’ on their plans to increase the VAT on static caravans to the standard rate of 20%. The changes will affect all of the camping industry and whether you’re interested in static…
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Caravan Park is granted permission to open for eleven months of the year

A Northumberland caravan park has been given the go ahead to open for eleven months each year despite concerns raised by several local councillors. Although the objections were voiced at a local planning meeting, Northumberland County Council’s North Area Planning Committee was unanimous in their approval for the changes. Councillors were concerned that the changes…
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