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Caravan Information

Welcome to the caravan information blog pages.

If you’re looking for information about travelling in a caravan or a motorcaravan, look no further. Whether you’re looking for inspiration on where or when to travel; information on caravan insurance; or are even looking for some information on caravan security, our blogs will help you. You’ll even find information and guidance to help you get the most from your caravan when you’re ready to start your adventure. Read on and find out more…..

We’re a family run business with over 30 years' experience in the provision of specialist motorhome and campervan insurance. With a wealth of awards under our belt, we pride ourselves on providing a friendly and professional service, offering you the most comprehensive cover money can buy -  starting from just £220!

campervans caravans and motorhomes

Campervan, Caravan or Motorhome: which one is right for you?

Even though we are still enjoying the warm weather the truth is we are already approaching the end of August which means there’s not much time left to book a holiday! It may therefore be time to tempt yourself with something a bit more adventurous than the traditional hotel formula – a holiday on the…
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Elddis launches training programme for caravan servicing

When buying a campervan, caravan or motorhome you need to make sure that you have enough money not just to buy the initial vehicle, but also to cover the costs of motorhome insurance, maintenance and journeys. Many motorhome and campervan owners therefore make sure that they are getting the best deal when it comes to…
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static caravan

Children’s Charity receives Caravan

Caravan owners all know the joy of spending time on the road in their trailers, and now a children’s charity has recently received a caravan so that seriously-ill children can also take part in the experience. The charity was set up by seventeen year old Alice Pyne, who tragically died this year after fighting Hodgkin’s…
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Caravan Industry contributes Six Billion Pounds to UK Economy

The economic down turn has had a massive effect on the way that many members of the British public choose to go on holiday. Due to the fact that many people can no longer afford expensive holidays abroad, more and more people are choosing to go on caravan or motorhome holidays, which are ultimately benefitting…
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caravan by lake

Caravan owners not as hated as they used to be

Jeremy Clarkson has been partly credited for helping soften the public perception of caravan owners after a new poll showing they’re no longer the most hated road users was published. Tractors are now UK drivers’ biggest gripe on the road, knocking caravan owners into second place. Sunday drivers, learner drivers and cyclists make up the…
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New Zealand Company designs innovative new Caravan

A company based in New Zealand called W2 Design Company has come up with a new concept for a caravan that is completely different to any design seen before. The caravan, named the Romotow (a combination of the words “room to tow”) fold out like a Swiss Army Knife, meaning that it offers up to…
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