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Comfort Insurance & Aviva

The association between Comfort Insurance and Aviva goes back over many years. When a scheme for motorhome insurance was first being considered in the mid-1990's, Aviva (Norwich Union as was) was the first insurer we consulted. Before long the Comfort Motorhome Scheme was up and running.

Comfort Insurance has always tried to be one step ahead of the market, and a close relationship with the insurer is essential in keeping up with new developments. As the scheme grew to become a market leader, it did so because of the active involvement and support of the insurer.

Over the years, this joint relationship has earned Comfort Insurance numerous awards for both cover and service, and continues to do so, resulting in our 10th win in 11 years "Motorhome Insurance Provider of the Year" by What Motorhome magazine in 2016.

In recent years insurers have tended to focus increasingly on their core products. This has meant that some "niche product" areas have been re-assessed as to how they should be marketed and administered.

Motorhome insurance is an example of this re-assessment process. For many years Aviva (Norwich Union) has treated motorhomes much as they would any private car, without dealing with any specific needs of this niche market.

Over time it has become clear that the needs of motorhome owners are better served by a dedicated product that takes into account the additional covers and benefits that go with motorhome ownership. Given the long association with Comfort Insurance, it was considered a "good fit" by Aviva to delegate the administration of this segment of the market to a specialist who already had a suitable, proven product. As a result, business originally written by Aviva Direct, together with any new inquiries received by them, is now passed to Comfort so that customers can have the benefits of a specialist policy.

The launch of the "Eclipse" policy from Comfort is the result of long discussions with Aviva to ensure that both new and existing customers get the benefits of continued cover with Aviva, but with the added features of a specialist motorhome policy, including:

  • Increased personal belongings cover
  • Generator cover
  • Gas explosion cover
  • Cover for awnings and camping equipment
  • 365 days foreign use
  • The option to select full UK & European breakdown, with no limits on the size, weight, length or age of the vehicle